A General Overview of the Breast Implant Procedure

Thanks to cutting-edge technology and advances in cosmetic surgery procedures, women no longer have to live with embarrassment and shame about how their body parts look. Women who are not happy with the shape and size of their breasts or those who’ve had mastectomy and wish to get back those fuller breasts that they had or those who feel that they’re breasts are sagging after pregnancy can choose to have their breasts augmented.

There are two types of breast implants Sydney in breast augmentation, that is, saline and silicone implants. Saline-filled implants are silicone shells that are filled with sterile salt water and silicone-filled implants are silicone shells that are filled with a plastic gel. If you are someone who’ve never gone under the knife for any cosmetic surgery procedure, then scroll down to get an idea about how the implant procedure is done so that you can leave all your fears behind.

Breast implants Sydney

  • A woman has to be at least 18-years old to get a saline-filled implants and 22-years old to get silicone-filled implants. This is because breasts can continue to grow and develop until a woman reaches her late teens or maybe even early 20s.
  • It is advisable that before the implant procedure, a woman meets the surgeon who is going to perform the surgery in order to get a medical evaluation.
  • Breast augmentation can be done as an outpatient procedure or one might be required to stay overnight at the hospital.
  • The procedure doesn’t take more than 1 to 2 hours and the patient is going to be put under general anesthesia.
  • The surgery is going to be performed by making a cut under the breast, around the nipples or under the arm, depending on the type of implant and the structure of the body of the patient as well as how much enlargement the patient wishes to be done.
  • Once that implants are put in and the cut is closed, the patient might b advised to avoid a few things such as lifting heavy weights and so on but one can resume normal life shortly.

Getting your dream body is only a surgery away! Get breast implants Sydney today and be able to improve your appearance and boost self-confidence.

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