3 Popular Types of Cosmetic Surgeries for Women

Women like to be respected for their physical beauty, and are increasingly opting for cosmetic surgeries to look perfect. Read and know all about 3 types of cosmetic surgeries popular among women.

At one time, cosmetic surgery Sydney could be afforded only by celebrities and the well-heeled. However, the growth in the number of clinics and medical facilities and the rise in demand for these operations even among average citizens have led to a dip in the cost of these operative techniques and made them more affordable. Read and know all about the 3 types of cosmetic operations which are popular among women, and can help permanently correct various physical defects.

Natural Face lift

Face Lift

This type of process is used in infinity skin clinic Mosman, and is able to carry out various facial repairs and reconstruction. Overall, it is able to provide the entire face with a boost and make it look younger than years. The process helps to tone and tighten the facial and neck skin. It can make loose skin around the neck, jowl and cheek folds tighter. The wrinkles around the eyes, nose, mouth and forehead can be removed by this method. Additional fat can be removed, facial muscles can be made tighter and the skin can be covered again.

Flap Surgery

This kind of plastic surgery Sydney is similar to Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck in the sense that the additional bulge in the mid-section of the abdomen is taken out. You can get a slimmer breast as well as abdomen in such kinds of surgeries. In these operative processes, various types of flaps are used for making a pound of flesh that appears as natural breasts. Skin and fatty tissue are taken from the abdomen and used for reconstruction purposes. Muscles are also used in some methods.

Cosmetic Surgeries for Women


This type of cosmetic surgery aims at repairing ears which are disfigured from birth or due to an injury suffered because of an accident. In some cases, operation is not necessary only for cosmetic purposes. The defective ear structure can result in partial or total hearing loss in patients. The only operative process useful in these cases is Otoplasty, conducted in infinity skin clinic Mosman.

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