The Facts About Inverted Nipple Surgery Which Women Must Be Aware Of

The surgery of breasts is always not about the shape or the size, sometimes even the nipple matter a lot.  The dissatisfaction about inverted nipples is something which is common amongst women and the tips appear indented or tucked in.  Some women have this since birth, and some may go through this due to some accident or injury and often after breast feeding. While for some, they are witnessed just after puberty when breasts matures and for some this happens with age.


Though inverted  nipples is not an issue about looking bad , or feeling comfortable, still there are women today who wish to feel perfect , and hence decide to go for the inverted nipple surgery from one of the leading plastic surgeons.  This way, post surgery, they get a conventional appearance, feeling confident about them.

Here are some of the facts which you must be aware of before going for this surgery.

It is a simple process

A small incision around the areola is made, and the fibrous bands are cut, stretch or spread, and the nipple is attached to the breast. The nipple is pulled to the protruding position, and stiches are made to keep it intact and safe in the new place.  Thus, there is basically no complexity involved here.

Scars are minimal

The scars after this surgery  are actually very minimal , and sometimes even invisible as the incision is made around the areola, and  if there is any scar is gets disguised as a bumpy texture.  No one will even know you had a plastic surgery; hence you can be tension free about the thought of getting scars.

Doesn’t take long

The inverted  nipple surgery is a simple process and not complicated at all, hence  done with local anesthesia.  It takes generally and hour or so, hence you do not need to spend the whole day at the clinic, and you can drive back home in two hours effortlessly and get back to a normal life swiftly without any post surgery complications.

Breastfeeding is variable

The patient’s body type, health and individual anatomy decides if she can get back to normal breastfeeding after this surgery or not.  Cutting the tissue to free the nipples doesn’t allow you to breastfeed, but with stretching they can definitely get back to it but with time and patience.  Thus, the structure of the breast and the type of the surgery decide on whether you will be able to breastfeed or not in later life.

Post surgery recovery is easy

Rest for one two days , and you can return to normal life after that,, Tenderness , swelling , pain, or bruising is common and there is nothing to be anxious about , and hence do not fret when you see these signs.

Thus , be it any surgery , abdominoplasty Sydney treatment or simple laser hair removal , be sure you know the facts before undergoing one.

8 Facts about Abdominoplasty to Convince You for This Surgery

Even with all the people telling you how miraculous abdominoplasty Sydney really is, you’re still skeptical; skeptical about its effectiveness, side effects, and cost. So we thought why not bring you some important facts about tummy tuck to help you decide on the basis of reliable information rather than personal opinions of others.

abdominoplasty Sydney

Here are 8 facts about abdominoplasty

  1. Liposuction and Abdominoplasty are 2 different things. While the former one removes fat in areas of the body with tight skin, tummy tuck not only removes fat but also extra skin. Don’t confuse the two.
  2. There exist 3 different types of abdominoplasty procedure- mini, standard and extended. Mini tummy tuck removes fat from lower abdomen, standard procedure targets removing skin and tightening underlying skin. Extended tummy tuck takes care of your entire lower torso.
  3. The surgery takes nearly two hours to conclude. If you’re going for breast augmentation at the same time, which is quite popular, it will take about 3 hours.
  4. The recovery time period of this treatment is anywhere around 3 weeks.
  5. The average cost of this treatment is around 5,000 USD, which is quite less comparing to past years when it was more than 10,000 USD.
  6. The affect of tummy tuck is very long-lasting.
  7. Despite the popular belief, it is SAFE to get pregnant after tummy tuck. And NO, the labor won’t be any more painful that normal.
  8. Besides enhancing your appearance, abdominoplasty have few other benefits as well. Lost weight and flat abs will keep your motivated to stay in shape. And also, your will posture improve, which would relax the pressure on your back; this subsequently will reduce your stress level.

These are 8 important facts about Abdominoplasty Sydney that screams ‘it’s worth it!’ So don’t over-think; dial a good surgeon today to consult.